Sunday, March 09, 2008



SandyCarlson said...

Beautifully done!
Writing in Faith: Poems

Anonymous said...

Time heals all wounds.

I like your poem.

Anonymous said...

cures pack a mean punch
when it starts to get blurry
you quaffed a bit much

Yoga Gal said...

This photo reminds me of the line from the old movie : "Come to the light, all are welcom, all are welcome..." Name that film. Are thos hegdes or a cave? Stil, sweet poem. Where are the anger poets. of insight and truth, though? Sigh! Where is Allen Ginsberg when you need him..." I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness , straving hysterical naked..." ? These are hard times and it's about time my fellow American start getting angry and forcing change! We're being rape by the new Robber Barons and the goverment and no one seems to mind. Sorry, just on my soap box, I've just finished reading the New York Times and the L.A. Times and I just want to say, "Be afraid, be very afraid."

qualcosa di bello said...

kindness is an everyday miracle...beautiful words & an intriguing photo that made me gaze in thought

Quiet Paths said...

A wonderful definition of kindness.

Anonymous said...

Makes you believe. So sincere in thought and kindness.

Tumblewords: said...

Thoughtful and wise, lovely post!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Kindness is always a small miracle!

Lovely posting!

Everydaythings said...

I agree with quiet paths..a truly good definition of kindness in this haiku!

spacedlaw said...

Thank you for your kind words (and poem).
For those of you who are wondering what this picture is., it is a view of the Piranesi Perspective at the church of the Knights of Malta in Rome. It was made so that somebody looking through a half-inch hole on the door could see the dome of Saint Peter at the end of a green tunnel. The dome does not show on this picture but can be seen on further close-ups I have taken (as I found out that it wasn't easy to photograph through a peep hole).

reprehriestless warillever said...

Lovely thought.
Lovely words.
Lovely picture.

paisley said...

every cure is a miracle of sorts...

Anonymous said...

Great photo. I love haiga!
Can it get any worse than this?

storyteller said...

miracles of light
kindness glimpsed … experienced by
unseen presences

Hugs and blessings,

Marilyn said...

kindness as a cure and a miracle. I like that thought.

Betty Carlson said...

Great photo/music mix, too...

Anonymous said...

Healing kindness-something we all need in our lives.You picked just the right photo to go with your words.

Raven said...

How beautiful! Such a wise description of kindness - and such lovely photos. All your photos are wonderful... kitties and non-kitties. I think I'll go browse.

Thanks for dropping by Raven's Nest.