Sunday, March 09, 2008

Salade Vosgienne


Yoga Gal said...

Tasty! Your food always looks so wonderful, you should write a cookbook!

Yoga Gal said...

By the way; what's in it? Looks like bread and bacon?

spacedlaw said...

- Dandelion or Rucola (or any other sort of salad leaves really)
- Some croutons (old toasted bread) rubbed with a little garlic
- Some bacon strips cooked in a pan and their juices diluted with balsamico vinegar and cream (served warm).

Yoga Gal said...

Thanks, Love! I thought about you last night when I was sipping my Pinot Nior wine I got while visiting wine country. I thought that this light, fruity California wine would taste lovely with your wonderful looking salad! So, did you have your salad with a wine and if so which one?

spacedlaw said...

No wine with this salad, because of the vinegar. Cider would have been nice I think, but it is difficult to find in Italy.