Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where men are men and not afraid to flaunt it

<a href="http://music.torley.com/track/050-glamhammer">050 - Glamhammer by Torley</a>


Unknown said...

Macho type....

Tash said...

Niiiice physique, but who did the cover-up?

spacedlaw said...

Not sure Tash. Some of the statues at Stadio dei Marmi have lead leaves on and lots do not (although some do have stone knickers too depending on which sport they are supposed to represent).
Since they are also supposed to represent cities maybe the leaves were added at the request of some prude citizens from those cities?

Cobalt Violet said...

He is quite a specimen. I am not even sure what to say. Is he a god? He looks like one. If not, I can't imagine what the god's looked like!

Betty Carlson said...

Je suis un homme,je suis un homme, quoi de plus naturel en somme!