Monday, May 24, 2010

Marin Mariné

Tu tangues, marin
Quelles sirènes troublent ta route ?
Elles ont de jolis noms
Côte de Nuit, Côte de Meuse
Et des écueils verdoyants

Tu chantes leurs jambes
Dévorées un jour de disette
Si brillantes, si lisses ;
Tes yeux s’allument, phares
Où se noient les tempêtes.

Tu en gardes les arêtes
Breloques que tu agites
Pour éloigner le mauvais sort
Quelques chats efflanqués te précèdent
Sur la route, titubant.

<a href="">Vanilla by Marian Call</a>

The background picture is copyright of Willow of Willow Manor, who has put it forth as a writing prompt.
Join the writing fun at Magpie Tales.


Brian Miller said...

an intriguing take...i actually tried an online translation but did not get the right language so...whats it say?

Lisa said...

I am with Brian-- I do not want to destroy the beauty of the language with my attempt at a translation-- would you consider posting in English?

Kathe W. said...

translate s'il vous plait. Merci!

Tess Kincaid said...

French is the world's lovelies language. I want to hear you read it, Nathalie.

Tess Kincaid said...


Tumblewords: said...

Beautiful -