Saturday, March 15, 2008

Six sentences index card

Index card made with this card generator


maryt/theteach said...

I love this! How creative! Do you mind if I use it? Thanks for you positive comment at my "One Single Impression" post! :D

spacedlaw said...

You could, with credit.
I sometimes contribute to the Six Sentences blog and this is one I tried this morning.
Glad you liked it.
I was thinking to use the tool for later One single Impression post.

Betty Carlson said...

This is so cool. How did you find it? I remember library cards and research paper cards from when I was a kid...they look so ancient now.

spacedlaw said...

I knew of this site about a year ago - I think it was a librarian friend who might have pointed it out, although I don't actually remember. I was playing with some old bookmarks this morning, which is how I found it again...

lissa said...

quite thought provoking, I didn't expect the end

Yoga Gal said...

If a butterfly doesn't srtuggle out of it's cocoon it will not have the strenght to live in the outside world.(Learned that in the Discovery Channel- warning not to help a butterfly out of it's cocoon) I think of that fact often, life can be a struggle but it's those small battles that gives us our strenghts in life. We learn little from our pleasures and successes but what insights we gain from our pain and failures.

WH said...

Way cool, as thw ssaying goes. This is like a separate genre. I love what you did with it :)

WH said...

My typing need work -:)