Sunday, May 27, 2007

Six pillars, six vows, six denials

Six Words Sunday


ThatBeeGirl said...

lovely six word sunday contribution!
to answer your question, there is no need to leave a link to your week's contribution, except for on your own blog. you can add the "six word sunday" link back to my page if you'd like, thus sending other would-be participants for more information.
thanks again for participating!

Yoga Gal said...

This is Memorial Day weekend in the States, a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGG holiday. Spending this weekend at the White Lotus (a yoga retreat house in the lovely mountians in Santa Barabra). I'm in heaven, I sprung for aprivate cabin so I can work on my paintings during my breaks. Doing yoga , hiking, eating gourmet vegan food and bonding with fellow yogis & yoginis is sheer heaven! Tonight we have a drum circle and then doing a card reading for my yoga pals. I NEVER take money for a reading because it's bad karma to take money for a reading. Hope you have a lovely weekend. I loved the flower shot! Wish I had a camera, this place is beautiful! Shanti.